Saturday, March 24, 2012


I went to Canberra for a job last week - 2 intense days of strategic planning and a Board meeting.  I got to sit and listen to it all and take notes and now will produce a record for them and Minutes.  It was amazing stuff and I learnt so much and they were lovely AND we had good food LOL!!
I took the assignment because it was a good reason to see Mum.  I also caught up with a friend for dinner at Manuka.  I like the Manuka Village logo
I was surprised at all the gollies in the window
I only had my phone camera, so couldn't do justice to the changing leaves
or the insanely yummy Moroccan risotto with lamb, pine nuts, pumpkin, spinach, parmesan and LOTS of spiciness.
I'm coming back next time for the homemade tiramisu!!!