Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Dreaming - Monday

The Narasirato Pan Pipers from the Solomon Islands got the day off to a good start.  Lots and lots of energy and very watchable muscle-y men in small costumes.  Then I listened to the Yabu Band and the Iwantja Band who were great.  I packed up my tent and then wandered over to the alterNATIVE Lounge to listen to loud drumming from Propaganda Klan, then the Iwantja Band and Microwave Jenny.  The day ended with Chasing the Lollyman - a one man show by Mark Sheppard who takes us on a journey through his life.

Before every show, there was acknowledgement of the traditional owners of the land
The whole weekend was one of respect and dignity and good vibes.  An enormously positive experience.